It seems that every year tech companies are producing innovative devices that have the potential to change how we live our lives. In 2012, Google announced a revolutionary product called... read more →
People love being rewarded for all sorts of things. From receiving badges for checking in using a smartphone app, to getting flyer miles, and even getting points for buying the... read more →
It was only a few short years ago that cell phones were only used to make calls and send text messages. Now they are used for everything from paying bills... read more →
As a business owner, an important routine task is reviewing all costs. This is important as it helps identify areas that may not be returning a reasonable ROI or determining... read more →
Over the years merchants have done a good job in keeping up with the different forms of payment methods customers have chosen to use. From good ole cash to checks... read more →
“The times they are a changing” as a classic Bob Dylan song goes. When it comes to credit card processing, this certainly holds true. In the past, businesses were not... read more →
Datalink Bankcard Services Company prides itself in the high level of customer service given to merchants across the U.S. regardless of their size or industry. However, this can only be... read more →
Datalink Bankcard Services Company prides itself in the high level of customer service given to merchants across the U.S. regardless of their size or industry. However, this can only be... read more →
Being a business owner today is harder than ever. A struggling economy. More government regulations. A hyper-competitive market. Consumers with less money to spend. It just seems to get harder... read more →